Lime Glazed Salmon

Introduction to a Delicious Keto Recipe

Fans say my Keto Chipotle Lime Salmon is “so delicious” and “so easy” that I had to re-share this low-carb dinner recipe. Made with 5 ingredients total, they also say this unfussy recipe is perfect “for real-world cooks.”

Keto Chipotle Lime Salmon Recipe

All you need to make this easy keto dinner recipe is salmon, chipotle, limes, olive oil, and salt! I use a wonderful cooking method here. I heat the oven to 500°F, then when I pop the salmon in, I lower the temperature to 275°F. The initial high temperature sears the fish and then as the temperature in the oven declines the fish cooks through resulting in a juicy salmon that is full of flavor.

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Easy Keto Dinner Recipe

We like to squeeze the warm lime over Keto Chipotle Lime Salmon after it comes out of the oven and cools for a few minutes. Serve it with a keto friendly side dish like Cauliflower Rice, Low-Carb Dirty Rice, or No Potato Salad for a delightful low-carb Whole30 meal. Any of these pairings will knock your socks off.

A Recipe Born Out of Busy Schedules

From 2009…

I feel sooo old you guys! I originally posted this recipe a decade ago in 2009! Here’s what I wrote back then!
With baseball back in the picture and our afternoons filled with practices I find myself looking for quick entrees that offer a lot of protein without a lot of work. Gluten-free Chipotle Lime Salmon is one of those recipes. My husband loved it, pronouncing it blog-worthy after his first bite.
I’ve been very busy lately though spending as much time as possible with my boys. Still, getting in quality time is a challenge. We’re going from the moment I meet them at school until dinner, running around to various activities such as baseball, violin, and of course, grocery shopping. I didn’t think I’d become one of those over scheduled mothers, though that seems to be just what is happening.
Thankfully, we still have a good routine at bedtime with lots of chit chat about the day, reading and snuggling. Often I think I need this time to unwind more than the boys do, though in reality, I bet it does all of us a lot of good.

To 2019…

Now the boys are in college. When they’re home visiting, I don’t ask what time they’ll be home at night. Sometimes I even get flipped off when I take an unwanted photo. They’ve grown up and I love them every bit as dearly and count myself lucky to have a wonderful family that I adore with all my heart.

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